Exhausted work today ,cuz i need to work by myself.
( usually we have two people working together)
I don't get any remind about the machine recovery time list , plus our great Production line chief said
" we are not allow to enter the lab cuz the machine still can't work for now" , the great and
Irresponsible chief told me that, so i just thought it'ok , i would check other mission list first, when
my manager calling and ask for the situation about our machines, i knew the bad thing just happen
cuz i could't know any detail about the machine situation (usually , the situation report mail send by
Production line chief ), Eventually, the reason came out and solved by the factory service .
I really hate the attitude about our Production line , and i have no idea to solve this question , cuz my opinion couldn't be adopted through our manager .
A infighting company couldn't make approve day by day , and i trust that i would just leave here to find another job recently.